Earlier I talked about taking apart the leafs on the front spring and noticed that 2 of the leafs had groove markings in it. I talked to a Model A expert and he said it was an original spring but odds are from an aftermarket company. I decided to clean these up and use them for the Speedster. First thing I did was degrease all the leafs to remove them from years of dirt. Next step was to use a bench grinder (wire wheel) and clean them to remove all rust. Each leaf was inspected to make sure no metal burrs were found and if so were removed by the grinder. After they were wiped down with WD40 each leaf was sprayed with etching primer and left to dry!

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    Born and raised in Walkerton, Ontario and started working on Model A's at a very early age. My father Jim, Grandfather and uncle all restored their Model A's 25-30 years ago. Knowledge was learned from these fine gentleman throughout the years. My father and I now have 2 restored cars. Our 1931 Tudor Sedan and 1930 Roadster Deluxe


    August 2013
    July 2013
    June 2013

